Safeguarding Policy
Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility and all those who have direct or indirect contact with children and vulnerable adults, or who have access to information about them, have a responsibility to safeguard the health, welfare and interests of those individuals.
Halstead Choral is a community choir with a wide variety of members and contacts in our local community. We commit to making appropriate arrangements to safeguard and promote the welfare of any children and vulnerable adults who are members of the choir or who attend any of our concerts or social events.
We aim to ensure that no act or omission on the part of the organisation, or that of its members, puts a child, young person or vulnerable adult inadvertently at risk; and that systems are in place to safeguard and promote the welfare of all members.
For Halstead Choral this means that:-
1. Our appointed Safeguarding Officer can be contacted using the form below
2. Our Safeguarding Officer shall be responsible for ensuring that up-to-date legislation and relevant policy and procedures are raised at the choir’s Committee, and adhered to by the choir.
3. Our Safeguarding Officer will review this policy at least annually to ensure it remains in line with legislation and local/national safeguarding guidance, and propose any changes in time for its annual review.
4. Any relevant concerns raised with our Safeguarding Officer will be passed on to the appropriate Safeguarding Authorities, namely:-
Essex Safeguarding Children’s Board: 0345 6037627
Essex Safeguarding Adult’s Board: 0345 6037630
Members, Friends, and invited musicians and soloists will all be made aware of this Policy.
This Policy was put to the members of Halstead Choral (formerly Halstead & District Choral Society) for adoption at the 2017 Annual General Meeting on August 29th and was adopted unanimously. It will be reviewed annually at successive Annual General Meetings.
Halstead Choral is a community choir with a wide variety of members and contacts in our local community. We commit to making appropriate arrangements to safeguard and promote the welfare of any children and vulnerable adults who are members of the choir or who attend any of our concerts or social events.
We aim to ensure that no act or omission on the part of the organisation, or that of its members, puts a child, young person or vulnerable adult inadvertently at risk; and that systems are in place to safeguard and promote the welfare of all members.
For Halstead Choral this means that:-
1. Our appointed Safeguarding Officer can be contacted using the form below
2. Our Safeguarding Officer shall be responsible for ensuring that up-to-date legislation and relevant policy and procedures are raised at the choir’s Committee, and adhered to by the choir.
3. Our Safeguarding Officer will review this policy at least annually to ensure it remains in line with legislation and local/national safeguarding guidance, and propose any changes in time for its annual review.
4. Any relevant concerns raised with our Safeguarding Officer will be passed on to the appropriate Safeguarding Authorities, namely:-
Essex Safeguarding Children’s Board: 0345 6037627
Essex Safeguarding Adult’s Board: 0345 6037630
Members, Friends, and invited musicians and soloists will all be made aware of this Policy.
This Policy was put to the members of Halstead Choral (formerly Halstead & District Choral Society) for adoption at the 2017 Annual General Meeting on August 29th and was adopted unanimously. It will be reviewed annually at successive Annual General Meetings.
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